
Social Protest Movements Class 9th Social Studies AP Board Solution

Class 9th Social Studies AP Board Solution

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Question 1.

Which of the following statement about the lives of industrial workers is correct? And correct the false statements

• Workers controlled the industries

• Living conditions of the workers were comfortable

• Low wages was one of the reasons for discontent among the workers

• During the phase of industrialisation there was emphasis on emotions and feeling

• Romantic writers and artists tried to highlight values of closeness to nature as described in folk tales and folksongs


• Workers controlled the industries

The statement is false.

Workers do not control industries. Attempts are made by communists, democrats etc. to enable workers to take over the control of the industries

• Living conditions of the workers were comfortable

The statement is false.

The living conditions of workers are not comfortable because they are not paid well. In most cases, they get limited provisions for living.

• Low wages was one of the reasons for discontent among the workers

The statement is true.

The workers are not paid according to their work. The unpaid labour of the worker is the profit of the industrialists.

• During the phase of industrialisation, there was an emphasis on emotions and feeling

The statement is false.

There is no emphasis on emotions and feeling in the phase of industrialisation. It involves broad re-organisation of an economy for the function of manufacturing.

• Romantic writers and artists tried to highlight values of closeness to nature as described in folk tales and folk songs

The statement is true.

Writers and artists manifested humanitarian values in their creative works like tales and folk songs.

Question 2.

List some of the problems faced by workers of those times. Discuss if such problems exist in our times too.


The industrialization made workers do more specialized jobs. The problems faced by workers are:

The problems of workers are lessened when compared to the early phase of industrialisation. The spread of communist and socialist ideas and the emergence of labour unions provided the workers with the strength of coming together and demand their own rights. But the privatisations in the industrial sector are creating labour problems.

Question 3.

Write a paragraph comparing the ideas of capitalism and socialism. How were they similar or different?


Capitalism and socialism are systems of ideas and ideals, especially one which structure the basis of economic or political theory and policy. Capitalism and socialism are compared based on the following aspects:

1) Justice: The capitalist economy is carefree about equity and justice (in the sense of equality).

• The capitalists argue that inequality is a powerful force that promotes innovation, which then results in economic development.

• The primary concern of socialism is an impartial redistribution of wealth and resources from the rich to the poor.

2) Ownership

• In a capitalist economy, property and businesses are owned and controlled by individuals.

• In a socialist economy, the state owns and controls the major means of production.

3) Efficiency

• In capitalism, profit incentive leads to innovation of new products that have demand in the marketplace.

• It is argued that in socialism, the means of production leads to inefficiency because, without the motivation of earning more money, management, workers, and developers are difficult.

4) Employment

1) In a capitalist economy, the state does not directly employ the workforce. This can lead to unemployment.

2) In a socialist economy, the state is the most important employer. During times of economic suffering, the socialist state can order new take on.

Capitalism is the ancient political system, whose origin dates back to 1400 AD in Europe. Socialism was evolved in France from 1800 AD. The combination of the two economies is the best for any society. The mixed economy accepts the merits of both the systems.

Question 4.

How was the idea of equality being similar or differently challenged by women and workers movements?


Women’s movement is a need because the crack between women and men is the keystone to problems in gender equality. Women and children are discriminated in personal, family and public spaces. Girls and women still suffer unreasonably from gender-based violence, inequity, and lack of contact with basic human rights.

The idea of equality is so important in all periods in history.

a) We need a women's movement because the movement's vision of change goes well beyond the concept of creating gender equality.

b) Women’s movement is about pointing out how we can take care of every woman who is very much needed to sustain all life. Making this kind of deep and lasting change is not a small thing.

c) Women’s movement demands massive systems change, including reorganization of our economies, politics, and religious institutions, own personal habits, motivations, and way of living together in our social system.

Question 5.

Draw a poster to illustrate the ideas of “liberty, equality, and justice” within the context of workers, and women. Identify occasions where these ideas are being violated.


Question 6.

Locate the countries in the world map in which the protest movements took place.
