
The Indian Constitution Class 8th Social Studies AP Board Solution

Class 8th Social Studies AP Board Solution

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Question 1.

‘Damanpur’ is ruled by its king based on a set of rules written down by the priest and ministers. He also has divided his kingdom into 16 provinces to which he appoints his officers as governors. Can we say this is democratic country? Is it a constitutional country? Give reasons for your answer.



Explanation - We cannot say that Damanpur is a democratic country because democracy actually means that the place is ruled by the people itself, not by any king or queen. The rules that are written down by the priests are not a right but it is an order. And in a democracy the order, rule, regulations are made for the people with a consent of keeping them free not bounded. A democracy is run by the people, for the people and of the people. Rules here are not constitution. The place in a democracy should be ruled by the people themselves with the help of elected representatives.

Question 2.

Which of the following statement is correct?

a. Constitution determines the relationship between people and government.

b. Democratic countries generally contain a Constitution.

c. To make a Constitution to a diverse country like India is not an easy task.

d. All are correct




a) Constitution though made for people for their convenience and the constitutional provisions governed by the elected government by the people determines the relationship between government and people. So ‘a’ is correct.

b) Democracy is maintained when there is a constitution made by representatives of people. So ‘b’ is correct.

c) India is land of different cultures, religions, caste and creed. This makes Indian constitution to be framed in such a way that no one is left privileged. But it becomes a real task to give everyone the same equal rights. So ‘c’ is also correct.

Question 3.

Match the following leaders with their roles in the making of the Constitution:


Question 4.

Read again the extracts from Nehru’s speech and answer the following:

a. What pledge did he want the makers of the Indian Constitution to take?

b. “The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye.” Who was he referring to?


a) In his pledge he wants makers of constitution to take in account. ‘The service of India means the service of the millions who suffer. It means the ending of poverty and ignorance and disease and inequality of opportunity’.

b) “The ambition of the greatest man of our generation has been to wipe every tear from every eye.” Here Nehru was referring to Mahatma Gandhi because it was his wish to see an India in which there shall be no high class and low class of people; an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony. There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability or the curse of the intoxicating drinks and drugs. Women will enjoy the same rights as men.

Question 5.

Here are some of the guiding values of the Constitution and their meaning.

Rewrite them by matching them correctly.


Question 6.

Read the section ‘Dream and Promise’ again. Draw a table with statements that you consider as dream in the first column and promise in second column.


Question 7.

Which aspects of the dreams and promises can you identify in the words used in preamble? Create a chart to show the relationships.


Question 8.

Identify correct statements from the following:

a. The Constitution defines powers of the Legislative houses.

b. The Constitution cannot be changed under any circumstances.

c. Ideals that are in the preamble are reflected in the design of institutions.

d. Laws for the entire country are designed centrally.


Statement ‘a’ is correct because constitution shows parliamentary system of government.

Statement ‘b’ is incorrect because there has been many amendments in constitution by changing time period.

Statement ‘c’ is incorrect because ideals are the designs of individual’s loyalty of the state not the institution.

Statement ‘d’ is incorrect because laws are designed centrally as well as state wise too.