

The World Between Wars 1900-1950 : Part - I Class 10th Social Studies AP Board Solution

Class 10th Social Studies AP Board Solution

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Question 1.

Correct the false statements

(i) At the beginning of 20th century disparity across the world was marked by west and the rest

(ii) 20th century saw the rise of democracy and instances of dictatorship as well as making of new kingdoms

(iii) Socialist societies wanted to build on the idea of equality and fraternity

(iv) Army members of countries fighting belonged to many different countries and not just those which directly participated in the war.

(v) After or during the First World War many countries changed over from monarchy rule to democracies


(i) This statement is correct.

(ii) This statement is correct.

(iii) This statement is correct.

(iv) This statement is correct.

(v) This statement is incorrect. It was only after the Second World War that many countries changed their principles. Such as, Germany changed from monarchy to republic. Turkey was ruled by the monarchy of Ottoman empire which was later changed to a democratic and secular rule.

Question 2.

Make a table to show allies, axis and central powers, participated with following countries on different sides of the world wars: Austria, USSR (Russia), Germany,

Britain, Japan, France, Italy, USA.




Question 3.

How did the idea of nation states and nationalism influence desire for war during World Wars?


Nationalism is a patriotic feeling or a political ideology that implies an individual identifying with one's nation or becoming extremely attached to it.
The ideology of nationalism was a positive impulse. It was the foundation of modern nation states and the force behind the unification of Germany and Italy. It can also take a different way by infusing a feeling of superiority over other countries. This was used to create pride in the mind of oneself and hatred towards other countries. This was also used to spread the feeling of hatred in European states in the 19th century. Aggressive nationalism was a major factor which led to World War I. It had grown in countries like Germany and Italy. Europeans became sure that their nations and government were correct and their military was superior which would win over any war. This nationalist pride of France was hurt by Germany. This nationalism influenced nation states to fight in a war to show their pride and patriotism in the world wars.

Question 4.

Write a short note on various causes of two World Wars. Do you think any of these features are prevalent even today in countries around the world? How?


Even though there were many immediate causes for the two World Wars, there were many other causes that contributed to this. Some of these causes are mentioned below:
1. The immediate provocation for World War 1 was the murder on 28th June 1914 of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria by a Serbian fanatic.
2. Austria immediately declared War on Serbia.
3. Serbia was with allied Powers like UK, France, and Russia. The Austrian attack on it made these allied powers to come to Serbia's rescue.
4. Austria was allied with central powers like Germany and Italy. This marked the beginning of World War I.
5. The immediate cause for World War II was Hitler’s invasion of Poland as punishment for refusing to hand over the port of Danzig to Germany.
6. Aggressive nationalism, imperialism, militarism, secret alliances and ideological failure of the league of nations were also major factors that led to the foundation of world wars.
7. After the first world war, these causes continued to lead the way to the second world war. Other causes include dissatisfaction of Germany with the legacy of World War I.
8. A large industrial complex had come into function which promoted the idea of wars between countries as the only solution to conflicts.
9. Most of these causes are prevalent to the current situation as well. The nationalism in its extreme form can often infuse the feeling of superiority over other nation. This can create pride in oneself and hatred towards other.

Question 5.

What are the different impacts of wars during the first half of 20th century?


The world wars had a long-lasting impact on the political, economic, social fields of the world. Some of these major impacts are listed below :
1. The first consequence was the widespread deaths and injuries. First World War had killed 10 million people and the Second World War had killed 20-25 million people.
2. The 2 wars had created a regime of lethal arms, especially in nuclear and chemical weapons.
3. The strengthened the case for the democratization of power.
4. It led to the end of many powers such as the Ottoman Empire, the German Empire, and the Russian Empire.
5. Many countries had shifted from monarchy to democracy system.
6. Many new countries were born across Asia and Africa.
7. The map of eastern and central Europe was redrawn on the basis of
nationality, economic viability, and military security. Post World War II, ex-colonies rose to become independent nations.
8. UNO was formed for peaceful settlement of disputes. UNO is the United Nations Organisation. It works on 4 major principles - preserve
peace, uphold human rights, respect international law and promote social progress. It works through UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO, ILO, etc.
9. This phase saw a major change in the women of the world. With men fighting in the battlefields, it was the duty of the women of the households to become the bread earners of the family. They began working in factories, shops, offices, hospitals and also volunteering for different services. They also got the right to vote in 1918. This was a major step in the empowerment of women.

These were the major impacts of the two wars on the world. Some of these impacts from World War I also paved way for the World War II. Other impacts were positive, such as setting up of UNO, which are a great asset for the current world.