

Alcoholism Category : Secondary School Level


Category : Secondary School Level

Outline: Defining the term ‘Alcoholism.’ Cause of alcoholism. Theories of alcoholism – psychological and socio- cultural. Preventive measures.

Defining alcoholism differs from culture to culture. However, alcoholism can be defined as an excessive consumption of alcohol, which in turn leads to    personal and social dis- functioning.

Various health organizations all over the world have defined the dependency of alcohol as a physical dependency that leads to an increased ratio of consumption. A person who is severely dependent on alcohol is both psychologically and physiologically dependent and is suffering from the alcohol dependency syndrome.

Unemployment among men is an important cause of alcoholism. Men may also drink to reduce exhaustion caused from their occupation. One may also use alcohol as a kind of aid to cope up with anxiety and tensions. Gradually, he may become alcoholic. Ignorance is another major factor that leads to alcoholism. Generally, there is a belief that consumption of alcohol provides vigour and vitality. Most men involved in heavy laborious jobs are always under the impression that alcohol supplies their physicality with which they can copy up with their laborious work. Individual's low level of tolerance and frustration, emotional immaturity, high level of anxiety and inherent nervous failings contribute to making him a drunkard.

According to some scholars, the most likely reason for a person to drink lies in the psychological area. Unfavourable home environment, low family status and anti-social behaviour of elders can result in alcoholism in later stages of life. Addiction to alcohol can be considered as a partial suicide. However, there are certain physiological characteristics that appear common in a majority of alcoholism. They include low self-esteem, sense of isolation, guilt, over-dependency and incapability to express anger freely. Those who become alcoholic discover that consuming alcohol helps them to adjust successfully in their life. Individual's inability to face and struggle through unpleasant experiences compels him to use alcohol to escape from reality.

Consumption of alcohol and getting addicted to it can be prevented. Educating and spreading awareness among the young generation and the adults about the dangers of alcohol is the first step. Alcohol is the most accepted beverage in informal and formal occasions. Promoting non-alcoholic drinks can have comprehensive benefits. Recreational activities can help youngsters to keep themselves away from alcohol not only by keeping physically busy but also by channelizing their mind into healthy hobbies. 

School Essay for Students.