
Duty Paid Warehouse and Bonded Warehouse Distinguish Between.

Duty Paid Warehouse and Bonded Warehouse


Duty paid Warehouses

Bonded Warehouses


If an importer faces any problem in the transportation of goods, after making payment of duty, then goods can be stored at a duty-paid warehouse.

Bonded warehouses are licensed by the government to accept imported goods for storage until the payment of customs duty.


All duty paid warehouses are public warehouses that are available to all importers.

These warehouses work under the control of customs authorities.


Duty paid warehouses help the importer as proper care of goods is taken, processing of goods can be done like sorting, re-packing, etc.

The goods are held in bond and cannot be withdrawn without paying the customs duty.


These are located near the port & dock area.

These are located near the dock area and if an importer is unable or unwilling to pay customs duty immediately then he can store the goods in a bonded warehouse.

Used :

Such warehouses are more useful for the re-export of the goods.

The importer can withdraw the goods in installments by paying the customs duty proportionately.