
I Dreamt I Climbed The Faraway Tree Category : Secondary School Level

I Dreamt I Climbed The Faraway Tree

Category : Secondary School Level

Mrs. Sadhana's voice soon had me dreaming. There, I was sitting in History Class but in my head I was in Faraway Land. I had won an Enid Blyton quiz and I had been invited to visit the Faraway tree. I was excited, I couldn't believe it! There I was, looking up at the Faraway Tree standing tall, reaching out to the sun. It seemed to go on forever, almost touching the clouds. I couldn't wait to meet Moon-face, Silky the fairy,

The Saucepan Man, Dame Washalot, Mr. Watzisname and the Angry Pixie.

Moon-face was just as the book described. He had a large round face that looked exactly like the moon. He showed me the slippery slide that ran down from his house to the bottom of the tree. As I slid down the slide I got drenched in the dirty water that Dame Washalot threw down the tree. As I climbed back on to the tree I was stopped by Saucepan Man. His pans were making a whole lot of clatter and he looked funny juggling them. Fanny showed me where the Angry Pixie lived and warned me not to peep into his house as he was known to throw whatever was in his hand at whoever dared to peep inside. Then we met Silky the fairy. She was beautiful and had the silkiest golden hair that I had seen. Saucepan Man's mother smelled like the warm cake she had been baking in the shop. She offered us brownies, cookies and milk. I wanted to stay on but knew I had to leave before it got dark so I quickly said goodbye and climbed down the tree. I felt water on my face and thought it was Dame Washalot again, but was shocked to find Mrs. Sadhana, glass in hand, standing in front of my face.

I couldn't believe that I had been dreaming all the while. What a lovely dream it had been.

School Essay for Students.