
Principle of subrogation is applicable to all contracts of indemnity.

Principle of subrogation is applicable to all contracts of indemnity.


(1) The principle of subrogation is a colliery to the principle of indemnity. According to the principle of subrogation, after the insured is fully compensated for the total loss of the property or goods insured by him, all the rights in such property or goods pass on to the insurer.

(2) Insured person cannot claim any right in the property saved from the damage or loss, once he is fully compensated by the insurer. This is necessary because, if part of the goods or property saved from the fire, accident, damage, floods or cyclone, etc. could fetch any price, the same cannot be retained by the policyholder or insured. In that case he would realise more than the actual loss, which is against the principle of indemnity. 

(3) As like the principle of indemnity, the principle of subrogation is applicable to all insurance policies except life insurance policies. In life insurance contracts, the question of indemnity and subrogation does not arise. The insurer cannot indemnify the insured because the loss due to death cannot be determined exactly in terms of money.

(4) In all insurance contracts, except life insurance contract, principle of indemnity and principle of subrogation is applicable. On indemnifying the insured, the insurer can sell the remains of the property damaged and reduce his loss. However, this principle is applicable only if the damaged property has any value after the happening of the event.