

chapter 1.2 - Life [Latest edition] Samacheer Kalvi solutions for English Class 10th SSLC Tamil Nadu State Board

Chapter 1: Life


Samacheer Kalvi solutions for English Class 10th SSLC Tamil Nadu State Board Chapter 1 Life Exercise [Pages 18 - 19]

Exercise | Q A.1 | Page 18

Read the following lines from the poem and answer the question that follow.

Let me but live my life from year to year,
With forward face and unreluctant soul;

  1. Whom does the word ‘me’ refer to?
  2. What kind of life does the poet want to lead?


  1. ‘Me’ refers to the poet, Henry Van Dyke.
  2. The poet wants to live a joyous life with plenty of positivity towards the future.
Exercise | Q A.2 | Page 18

Read the following line from the poem and answer the question that follow.

Not hurrying to, nor turning from the goal; Not mourning for the things that disappear

  1. Why do you think the poet is not in a hurry?
  2. What should one not mourn for?


  1. The poet wants to move towards his goal without hurrying or turning away from it.
  2. One must not mourn for the things lost in the past.
Exercise | Q A.3 | Page 18

Read the following line from the poem and answer the question that follow.

In the dim past, nor holding back in fear From what the future veils; but with a whole And happy heart, that pays its toll To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer.

  1. What does the poet mean by the phrase ‘in the dim past’?
  2. Is the poet afraid of future?
  3. How can one travel on with cheer?


  1. ‘In the dim past’ means the sad days of the past.
  2. No, the poet is not afraid of future.
  3. One can travel on with cheer by retaining the pleasures of childhood.
Exercise | Q A.4 | Page 19

Read the following line from the poem and answer the question that follow.

So let the way wind up the hill or down, O'er rough or smooth, the journey will be joy: Still seeking what I sought when but a boy, New friendship, high adventure, and a crown,

  1. How is the way of life?
  2. How should be the journey of life?
  3. What did the poet seek as a boy?


  1. The way of life could go up the hill or down, rough or smooth.
  2. The journey of life must be joyful.
  3. The poet seeks new friends and high adventure.
Exercise | Q A.5 | Page 19

Read the following line from the poem and answer the question that follow.

My heart will keep the courage of the quest And hope the road's last turn will be the best.

  1. What kind of quest does the poet seek here?
  2. What is the poet’s hope?


  1. The quest is to seek a purposeful life with courage and determination.
  2. The poet hopes for a beautiful life with a clear sense of purpose.
Exercise | Q A.6 | Page 19

Read the following line from the poem and answer the question that follow.

In the dim past, nor holding back in fear From what the future veils; but with a whole And happy heart, that pays its toll To Youth and Age, and travels on with cheer.

Identify the rhyming words of the given lines.


fear – cheer; whole – toll.

Exercise | Q A.7 | Page 19

Read the following line from the poem and answer the question that follow.

Let me but live my life from year to year, With forward face and unreluctant soul; Not hurrying to, nor turning from the goal; Not mourning for the things that disappear.

Identify the rhyme scheme of the given lines.


The rhyming scheme: a b b a.

Exercise | Q B | Page 19

Answer the following question in about 80 – 100 word.

Describe the journey of life as depicted in the poem by Henry Van Dyke.


Henry Van Dyke was an American author and poet. His poem describes about the Life. Life taking on life in its truest form is an adventure. This poem is beautiful and inspiring but also idealistic.

The poet’s wish:
Life is described not as an entity, but an experience. It must be lived with no hurry but courage, dedication, and goal. It should be lived without hurry. He does not want to mourn for the things that he had lost. He should not worry about past and future.

The poet’s journey:
He must embrace the presence with happiness. We should face all problems with a smile in our face. Life will have various situations. But we must be happy as it teaches us to grow and live.

The poet’s hope:
Our imagination should have the innocence of childhood. It seeks new friendships, adventure and experiences. It will enrich us. We should have faith in our hearts. Be bold and you will lead a happy life.

The poet says that life’s is journey becomes joyful in all situations.

Exercise | Q C | Page 19

Based on your understanding of the poem, complete the following passage by the using the phrases given in the box.

youth to old ageup or down the hillto hurry nor move away
high adventurejoyfulmournlooking ahead

The poet wants to live his life __________, willing to do something. He neither wants __________from his goal. He does not want to _______ the things he has lost, not hold back for fear of the future. He instead prefers to live his life with a whole and happy heart which cheerfully travels from __________. Therefore, it does not matter to him whether the path goes __________, rough or smooth, the journey will be __________. He will continue to seek what he wanted as a boy - new friendship, __________ and a crown (prize). His heart will remain courageous and pursue his desires. He hopes that every turn in his life's journey will be the best.


The poet wants to live his life looking ahead, willing to do something. He neither wants to hurry nor move away from his goal. He does not want to mourn the things he has lost, not hold back for fear of the future. He instead prefers to live his life with a whole and happy heart which cheerfully travels from youth to old age. Therefore, it does not matter to him whether the path goes up or dwon the hill rough or smooth, the journey will be joyful. He will continue to seek what he wanted as a boy - new friendship, high adventure, and a crown (prize). His heart will remain courageous and pursue his desires. He hopes that every turn in his life's journey will be the best.


Standard 10 English

chapter 1.2 - Life [Latest edition] Samacheer Kalvi solutions for English Class 10th SSLC Tamil Nadu State Board

chapter 1.2 - Life [Latest edition] Samacheer Kalvi solutions for English Class 10th SSLC Tamil Nadu State Board

chapter 1.2 - Life [Latest edition] Samacheer Kalvi solutions for English Class 10th SSLC Tamil Nadu State Board

chapter 1.2 - Life [Latest edition] Samacheer Kalvi solutions for English Class 10th SSLC Tamil Nadu State Board