
The Magical Garden Category : Secondary School Level

The Magical Garden

Category : Secondary School Level

Behind Urja's school is a small garden. She often goes there to play. It is a magical garden as the flowers there never whither. The birds fly low and allow you to pet them. The fountains have sweet water and play soft music all throughout the day.                        

Urja also has a pet squirrel. It runs to her as soon as she comes to the garden. Urja feeds her nuts and pets her too. It loves to play with her. Urja spends a lot of time with the squirrel.

In the garden the flowers bloom all year through. They are of many colours. The petals are as soft as silk. Some of the flowers are real big. Some are so tiny you can hardly see them. Urja is careful not to tread on them. The scent of the flowers fills the garden and butterflies enjoy the sweet nectar. Urja loves to play in her magical garden.

School Essay for Students.