Word Problems
Read the problem then draw it and answer the question.
Making 5 (five frames)
Write the number of animals already in the boxes and then figure out how many more are needed to make the final product equal five.
Making 5 (five frames)
Write the number of animals already in the boxes and then figure out how many more are needed to make the final product equal five.
Making 5 With Numerals
Figure out how many different ways you can make 5.
Making 10 (Ten Frames)
Count how many animals are in the boxes and write the amount down and and then determine how much is need to make the total ten and then write that down.
Making 10 with Number Bonds
Count up the top and bottom amount and write each number in the top and bottom bubbles
Making 10 Quick Match
Choose two numbers from the number box that add up to 10.
Roll and Add
Cut out the dice and fold on the lines. Then glue the flaps together. Roll the dice and and write the numbers on a separate paper until you get a a few and then add them together.
Roll and Add
Use this paper to write down the numbers you rolled from Roll and Add.